Grants and Awards
- (New)
Elevated to ACM Fellow (Class of 2023).
- (New)
Elevated to IEEE Fellow (Class of 2023).
- 2022 IEEE Region 1 Technological Innovation (Academic) Award.
- Building an Internet Emulator for Cybersecurity Education.
$399,197, 10/2022 - 09/2025, PI.
Award No. 2214916).
- Our paper
Privacy-Preserving Cooperative Statistical Analysis,
published in ACSAC 2001, won the prestigious
Test-of-Time Award in
December 2021.
- Awarded the Meredith Professorship for Teaching Excellence, Syracuse University, 2019
Expanding TrustZone: Enabling Mobile Apps to Transparently Leverage TrustZone for Attestation
and Data Protection
$497,296, 08/2017 - 08/2020, PI.
Award No. 1718086).
Our Cybersecurity MS students Sirisha Prakash and Priyank Thavai won the 1st Place in the
2018 National Cyber Analyst Challenge Competition
pic1, pic2)
Due to the impact of my SEED labs,
I was awarded the "2017 Academic Leadership" award
from The 21st Colloquium for Information System Security Education.
Our paper,
published in CCS'03, won the prestigious
ACM CCS Test-of-Time Award in
October 2013.
Spreading SEEDs: Large-Scale Dissemination of Hands-on Labs for Security Education.
$845,385, 09/2014 - 08/2018, PI.
Award No. 1303306).
Develop Fine-Grained Access Control for Third-Party Components in Mobile Systems.
$521,562, 08/2013 - 07/2017, PI.
Award No. 1318814).
Collaborative: Bolstering Security Education through Transiting Research on Browser Security.
$89,878, 09/2013 - 09/2016, PI.
Award No. 1318883).
2014 Deans's Award for Excellence in Engineering Education, May 2014.
- 2013 Faculty Excellence Award from L.C.Smith College of Engineering
and Computer Science (including a $20,000 research fund).
- Security-Enhanced WebView for Android System
(Google Research Award,
$49,387, 01/2012 - 12/2012, PI). This project is primarily based on
my Ph.D. student Tongbo Luo's work.
- To Configure or to Implement, that is the Access Control Question for
Web Applications (NSF Trustworthy Computing,
$506,470, 09/2010 - 08/2013, PI.
Award No. 1017771).
- SEED: Developing Instructional Laboratories for Computer
SEcurity EDucation
(NSF-CCLI, Type 2, $451,682, 01/2007-12/2011, PI.
Award No. 0618680).
- Applied Research - Identity Management
(JPMorgan Chase, $96,084, 1/08 - 8/08).
- Efficient and Resilient Key Management for
Wireless Sensor Networks (ARO, $360,000, 5/05-4/08, PI).
- Collaborative Research: Trustworthy and Resilient Location Discovery
in Wireless Sensor Networks
(NSF CyberTrust, $150,000, 9/04-8/07, PI.
Award No. 0430223).
- Collaborative Research: ITR: Distributed Data Mining to Protect
Information Privacy
(NSF-ITR, $140,418, 8/03-7/06, PI.
Award No. 0312366).
- Private Prediction using Selective Models
(NSF-ITR, $220,000, 9/02-8/05, PI.
Award No. 0219560).
- Designing Laboratory Materials for Computer System Security Courses
Using Minix Instructional Operating System
(NSF-CCLI, Type 1, $74,984, 01/03-12/04, PI.
Award No. 0231122).
- VINE: Using VIrtual Network Environment
for Computer and Network Security Courses
(University Vision Fund, $5000, 01/03-12/03, PI).